Papier collé 01 : The Dream Issue - What The Heck is a Papier Collé

I've always though that the world when we're born, is like a blank canvas that we're meant to drawn on, paint over, stick things on, rip apart, sew back together, over and over again through out the years. To me, at the end of one's life your blank canvas is meant to be a beautiful collage of diverse elements.

That's where my inspiration for papier collé , came from. I've always wanted to work on a magazine and I thought why not? For me the name papier collé , which is French for pasted paper and is a type of collage technique, embodies the attitude that life is messy, sticky and made up of so many different bits and pieces.

Papier collé celebrates the awkward, creative,  original, painful, amazing, bold and rebellious bits of life through articles, stories, pics, videos and more.

Every month, we'll have a different issue dealing with a specific topic, if you've got any content you'd like to get featured in the zine let us know by shooting us an email at Next issue is the "Body Image Issue".

On the "They said it" page you'll find seven inspiring quotes related to the issue of the month and on the "Catalyst" page, you'll find inspiring bits and pieces about people out there who will inspire and spark a reaction in you, hopefully ;).

Dear readers this issue, you are the catalyst! Dig deep and find the dreamer in you and act. Remind yourself of the reasons that you wanted to do what you wanted to in the first place. And most importantly, you owe it to yourself to give it a try so throw away all those reasons why you can't and take a leap of faith.

~ A. Smarts
(Editor - in -chief)

"Life's a collage, get to gluing!"

Next: Where'd all the dreamers go?

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