Papier collé 01 : The Dream Issue - Editor's Note

Editor's Note:

"If an unmet dream was meant to be, it'll never let you be"
~ A. Smarts <3
Hey there! Welcome to the first issue of papier collé, our zine that celebrates creative rebelliousness, self-expression and open-mindedness. This issue is for the dreamers amongst us! Lots of times in life we get opportunities to live out our dreams but seldom ever take them. To be fair it's not always in our control; lots of things contribute to our lack of enthusiasm for our dreams but the thing about dreams, especially ones that were really meant to be, is that they'll never let you rest until you fulfill them or atleast take a go at them.
And isn't that the most important thing about dreams, taking a go at them? So here's to following my dreams, and to you following yours! Click on the links in the table of contents to read more, don't forget to comment or tweet to let us know what you think.

~ A. Smarts
(Editor - in -chief)